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Google AdSense Pros and Cons

Google AdSense is a service provided by Google that is used to place advertisements on websites or blogs. This service helps the website owners or publishers to earn money by displaying advertisements on their websites. The website owners can earn money through these advertisements whenever website visitors click these advertisements.

Here are some pros and cons of using Google AdSense given below:

Google AdSense Pros:

  1. The greatest advantage of using Google AdSense is that it is a source of making money online for hundreds of thousands of people for their websites or blogs.
  2. This depends upon the amount of traffic at your website or blog.
  3. It is free of cost and nobody needs to pay money for earning extra income.
  4. Google AdSense automatically place the advertisements at you site related to your website or blog’s contents.
  5. It is very easy to use this service even no expertise is required for using this service.
  6. This Google service provides monthly payment to website owners in an easy way.
  7. You can even block the websites that does not meet the requirements or standards of your website by filtering more than 200 URLs.
  8. This Google service is secure and provides complete statistical information about website visitors and advertisements income, click per ads etc.
  9. ou can maintain the space for your site’s contents because Google AdSense provides a range of sizes for placing advertisements at your website or blog.
  10. It provides high quality advertisements with different attractive colors and contrast which can make your site more and more attractive.
  11. Website owners can change the size, color, background and shapes of advertisement box placed by Google AdSense service.
  12. You can choose different advertisement formats (audio, video, images, texts etc) for your website or blog in order to earn more money.

    Google AdSense Cons:

    1. Contents are key factor of any website. By placing advertisements at your site may decrease the available space for your site’s contents.
    2. Sometime it becomes difficult for small website or business owners to reach at the minimum clicks/views limit of these ads.  
    3. This service affects the speed of your website due to external javascript coding.
    4. You have not complete control over ads placed at your site by Google AdSense service. Sometimes you cannot make changes in these ads according to your own desire.
    5. The advertisements in different colors and shades placed at your site can destroy the visual appearance of your website. It may decrease the traffic of visitors and search engines from the website
    6. Your site domain may be banned if you have tried to make any fraud by clicking at advertisements by yourself instead of others for making money.

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